Eating in season is not something most Americans practice, but why? There are many positive impacts of doing so. Here at Colonial Gardens, we strive to provide the Blue Springs and surrounding communities with the resources to eat with the seasons. What does that look like?
Colonial Gardens grows or partners with local farms to provide fresh produce sold in our Market. Not only do we provide local produce, we support other local farmers/artisans by carrying their products. We carefully curate these vendors to fit our values and that also pair nicely with the products and produce we provide as a company. By choosing to shop local, you are more directly supporting the local economy.
Eating in season and shopping local goes hand and hand with leading a more sustainable lifestyle. By shortening your food circle, you can reduce your impact on the environment in ways you may not even realize! Environmental cost is higher when you do not eat in season. For example, think of the gas, energy, space, etc. that is required to ship food across the world so you can buy it at your local grocery store. Also, the less food travels, the less likely it is to spoil, which means less food waste (Stop Food Waste). So, when you chose to be more intentional about the food you are consuming and become more aware of the origin of that food, you are instilling more sustainable practices into your day to day lifestyle.
There are also health benefits to eating in season. The obvious is that you are more likely to be consuming fresh, whole foods. But due to how the produce is grown and reduced transportation of food, it is going to be more nutrient packed. It is a lot easier to justify spending a little bit more when buying local produce, when you know you are supporting farmers, the local economy, the environment, and reaping health benefits!
Preserving Summer Harvest
As we move into the cooler months, many of our winter crops need preserving. Here at Colonial, we are all excited about the transition of the seasons. As we are removing tomato and pepper plants to make way for greens and root crops, it is important to preserve as many vegetables for the winter months as possible.
While canning is a traditional method, we realize that it can be time consuming and a little daunting. So, we wanted to remind you that the freezer is an excellent place to preserve. Whole tomatoes can be frozen, and when ready to use, just run under water to remove the skin. These are great in place of stewed tomatoes to toss into winter soups or alongside crockpot beef. Herbs can be made into pesto and pistus, then frozen in ice cube trays. Perfect for soups and pasta sauces. Roasting peppers and eggplant are a great way to extract flavor before adding to soups or sauces that can then be frozen. We also want to remind you that now is the perfect time to harvest and start drying herbs.
Upcoming Fall Season
Best vegetables for a fall garden:

Herb Roasted Delicata Squash With Pecans and Goat Cheese Recipe
1 large or 2 small Delicata Squash
2 Tbsp Fresh Herbs of your choosing (sage, rosemary and oregano are all great)
1/4 cup Fresh Pecans
1/4 cup Plain Goat Cheese
2 Tbsp Pecan or Olive Oil
Sea Salt to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash delicata and cut in half lengthwise. Remove stem and seeds. Slice into half-moons, about a quarter of an inch thick. Toss with just enough oil to cover, sprinkle on about half of the herbs and a pinch of sea salt. Spread in a single layer on a baking tray and bake until soft and just beginning to brown (about 18 minutes). Add pecans for the last 3 minutes of roasting. Remove from oven, transfer to serving plate. Garnish with goat cheese and remaining herbs.