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Pressing Fresh Flowers

August 30, 2023

In the 1500's Oshibana is “the art of pressing flowers in a way to create a whole picture that is meticulous and skilled”. Pressing flowers is a wonderful way to preserve your love of flowers, save memories and create natural projects in your home. Pressing flowers can symbolize longevity or eternal love. Saving your wedding bouquet or a...

Farming for Tomorrow: A Look at Regenerative Agriculture

August 29, 2023

This garden center is known across the region for its outstanding plant selection and variety of events, but it holds a secret that we want to share. Across the street from our main retail space a treasure of a farm sits awaiting your visit. This farm isn't quite like others you may know; while we have livestock, vegetables and fruit like anyone...

Drying Fresh Cut Flowers

August 15, 2023

Dried Flowers have been dated throughout the ages. Flowers have always had practical and symbolic uses either medicinally, aromatically, or for cosmetic purposes. There is a desire to surround ourselves with the natural beauty of nature. Drying Flowers and creating designs for your home is a wonderful way to bring the beauty of the outdoors,...

Spider Mites: How to Spot and Stop

August 12, 2023

When the Summer heat starts, I’m always on the lookout for a destructive little pest called spider mites. True to its name, this sap sucker is an arachnid, not an insect. While oftentimes an infestation will not kill a host plant outright, it can certainly weaken it to where it can be susceptible to other insects or diseases. They are common and...

Landscaping: The Second Pillar

August 4, 2023

The creation of habitat in the landscape and garden speaks to the very core of the regenerative landscape ethic - and becomes pillar two. For decades, the landscapes of North America have been designed and maintained to discourage wildlife. Humans are awakening to the symbiosis that must be fostered between humans and Creation's...

Elderberry Syrup: Natures Medicine Cabinet

August 2, 2023

Ever since the onset of the Corona Virus, doctors, naturalists, and homesteaders alike have been delving deeper into the healing capabilities of elderberry. The Greek healer and physician Hippocrates called the elder plant Natures medicine chest because of all its healing benefits. Our Missouri native strain of elderberry, Sambucus...