Bare-root trees are a Godsend for people looking to start their own Orchard, Food Forest or simply beautifying their landscape! Much more cost effective than container or field grown trees, and with a very good survival rate there are many benefits in keeping with this time-honored tradition! We’re going to take a quick dive into them and discuss the many benefits of planting a bare root tree, as well as their basic care.
What is a bare-root tree?
A bare root tree is a tree that has been field grown for a few years to establish a good strong root system, and a healthy straight trunk and nice even branching. This has been done since time immemorial in agriculture/arboriculture to cultivate quality trees. When trees are grown well, in carefully controlled fields, with the correct soil types (sandy loam is preferable) seedlings can create a substantial root mass in a few short years.
Why plant bare-root trees?
Planting bare root trees has been a staple for arboriculturists as well as home gardeners for years, and the reasoning is simple, you get a healthy tree that is quick to establish in its new home, with a minimal amount of loss or expense. Since the trees are dormant (not actively growing) they suffer from almost no transplant shock, and variety dependent, climatize very quickly to their new home!
How to plant bare-root trees?
With a few exceptions, planting a bareroot tree is very similar to planting a containerized or B&B tree. See the steps below to get your new tree off to the best start possible!
Basic care of bare-root trees
Time is of the essence when planting bare-root trees! I’m going to teach you some of the Do’s and Don’ts of bare-root care! It’s best to plant them as soon as possible, but waiting a few days is fine so long as the following is provided for your tree
And last but not least, please DO contact Colonial Gardens with any questions you may have regarding your new tree, and how we can help you with all of your Plant Care Solutions!!!