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Landscaping: The Second Pillar

August 4, 2023

The creation of habitat in the landscape and garden speaks to the very core of the regenerative landscape ethic - and becomes pillar two. For decades, the landscapes of North America have been designed and maintained to discourage wildlife. Humans are awakening to the symbiosis that must be fostered between humans and Creation's...

Elderberry Syrup: Natures Medicine Cabinet

August 2, 2023

Ever since the onset of the Corona Virus, doctors, naturalists, and homesteaders alike have been delving deeper into the healing capabilities of elderberry. The Greek healer and physician Hippocrates called the elder plant Natures medicine chest because of all its healing benefits. Our Missouri native strain of elderberry, Sambucus...

Apples in July, A Story of Seasonal Eating

July 29, 2023

It’s not even the last day of July and I am sitting here with 2 apples on my desk straight out of the orchard. One perfectly ripe and one is over ripe. Yes, over ripe apples. In July. Our society has been programmed to believe apples are ripe in September. It fits a lovely narrative. And yes, many varieties are. But if we lean into the...

Landscaping: The First Pillar

July 29, 2023

As promised, we are digging into the pillars of landscaping! At the foundation is your first pillar: Living Soil! The quality of a canvas is the critical first factor in building a composition. Like the artist's canvas , soil quality will determine the success and sustainability of a Landscape Creation. Within the regenerative...

Landscaping: The 5 Pillars

July 7, 2023

The statement, 'I don't know where to start' is often the first words voiced by my prospective clients. A landscape feels daunting and often overwhelming for many humans. Y'all are not alone. To the human who does not know where to begin, I give The 5 pillars of Regenerative Landscape Design: Living Soil Habitat Food Color Shade ...

Fresh Cut Bouquets: How to Build the Best

June 26, 2023

A flower bouquet is a collection of flowers arranged in a container. Bringing the beauty of flowers indoors is beneficial to your health. Bringing a happy state of mind, not only seeing the flowers as they grow in nature but the beauty they have arranged together in a container. Gifting flowers is a wonderful way to brighten your mood by...

Japanese Beetles: Who are They and What do I do About Them?

June 23, 2023

Whether you are new to gardening or not, chances are excellent that you will meet an eerily beautiful, but nuisance guest in your garden. I’m referring of course to Japanese Beetles, and since they were first spotted in Missouri in 1934, have become a destructive pest in agricultural and residential plant cultivation. While Japanese beetles...

Creating a Food Forest

May 30, 2023

A food forest is a gardening and food production strategy designed to provide edible yields while limiting maintenance and reducing the environmental impact of food production. This is done by creating diverse plantings of native and wildlife friendly plants coupled with edible plants and herbs. A food forest might also contain animals that...

Creating an Oasis: Tips for an Inviting Outdoor Space

May 30, 2023

When it comes to designing your dream outdoor space, the possibilities are endless! With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can transform your boring backyard into a cozy oasis that you’ll never want to leave.

Herbs: Growing & Cooking

May 8, 2023

Fresh herbs will add extra flavor to your cooking and transform your recipes into food that is delicious and nutritious. Properly grown herbs are packed with valuable nutrients and antioxidants. We will discuss how to grow herbs and how to preserve them for future use. How to Grow Herbs Growing nutrient and antioxidant rich herbs starts with...