Over my 20+ years in the horticultural industry, I can say with certainty that I have planted tens of thousands of trees. After several years doing so, I just stopped counting. I have had the pleasure of working with many brilliant arborists, nurserymen and nurserywomen, growers and landscapers. Over the years and I’ve noticed one peculiar thing. Everyone has a different style of planting trees, and each person swears by their particular method.
When people ask me how to plant a tree, I respond with “It depends”. Many factors come into play when it comes to planting a tree. I wouldn’t plant a tree the same way in clay as I would in rich topsoil. I wouldn’t plant a pine tree the same way as a willow tree. I wouldn’t plant an oak tree the same way in a low-lying area as I would an oak in a flat prairie.
Here's the Rub
As a Nurseryman in a retail setting, we must have a one size fits all way to explain how to properly plant a tree, so our customers have success. Our PlantRight system is one of the best methods of proper tree planting I’ve seen, and it works wonderfully! But sometimes I will give slightly different instructions as to planting depth depending on the species of the tree and its proposed planting location. There are many different factors to consider for the best overall health of every tree, and I try my best to tailor a proper planting solution for every tree and client.
In Clay: Plant High & It Won't Die!
I’ve heard this many times in my career, and I’ve found there’s truth and false to it. In clay soils, it is necessary to plant the tree above grade for the best root development and establishing a great root system.
Let's Dig In!
I hope that I have made a proper case for the way I personally plant my trees. Like most decisions in life, being informed before you make a decision is always beneficial. If you ever have questions about anything green and growing, come out to Colonial Gardens and let us assist you with all of your plant solutions!
Thanks for your thyme,
Written By "Trav the Tree Guy" Travis Morcha